Dear Sir/Madam,

Greetings from Golden Bulls International Academy, and congratulations on taking "A STEP TOWARDS FINANCIAL FREEDOM." Thank you for purchasing the package of 1.0: FOUNDATION Course/2.0: ELITE Course/3.0: EXCLUSIVE Course with Golden Bulls International Academy and becoming a member of India's biggest and most successful Forex Trading Community. We wish you all the best on your journey to becoming a successful Forex Trader.

We assure you that we will always be available for you at any hour to ensure you achieve all the financial goals you set for yourself. However, for your convenience, we have organized all the conditions in a step-by-step and pointwise manner. We encourage you to thoroughly read through the conditions outlined below to gain a comprehensive understanding.

Best regards,

Your Name

Golden Bulls International Academy.

Terms & Conditions


As we have noticed, you have made a purchase of the "FOUNDATION COURSE"/"ELITE COURSE"/"EXCLUSIVE COURSE" Package, worth USDT 200/400/3500 respectively. This package includes the following benefits for the participant:

  1. Educational Content

  2. Credit Balance Account

  3. Automation Software

  4. Introducing Broker (IB) Dashboard

  5. Affiliate Program Manager

  6. USDT Deposits & Withdrawals.

Important Note: You can access educational content in all available languages within the application for 3 months from joining. Additionally, all other benefits activated for a participant will remain accessible for a duration of 12 months or 365 days. To continue enjoying these benefits beyond this period, a participant will need to repurchase the package.

Educational Content for FOUNDATION COURSE:

As we have noticed, you have made a purchase of Package 2.0 worth USDT 400, which includes the following Educational benefits for you:

  1. You will get a premium subscription for the application of Golden Bulls International Academy, with the help of which you will be able to view all the Educational content.

  2. Sharing of credentials with a non-paid participant is strictly prohibited, and if found, the User ID will be blocked from viewing all the content immediately.

  3. Only one participant per registration is allowed to watch the content.

  4. At times, only one device shall be used to view content on one device; however, you can change the device if needed to log in with the same Credentials.

  5. A total of 12 sessions will be available for you to get knowledge of the Forex market.

  6. You can view the educational content in all the languages available in the application.

  7. All the content will be available to view for the participant only for 90 days, i.e., 3 months from the registration date, and he will be restricted from viewing content, as it will be enough time to get a hold of the markets.

  8. However, affiliate benefits of the package will still be valid for a total of 12 months or 365 days from the date of registration.

  9. Sharing of the Educational content in any format is not acceptable under any circumstances. If found, the participant will be barred from using any benefit of the Golden Bulls International Academy, and legal action will be taken against the culprit.

  10. No screenshots/Video Recording/Voice Recording or any other way of copying the content is allowed in the system.

Educational Content for FOUNDATION + ELITE COURSE:

As we have noticed, you have made a purchase of Package 1.0 worth USDT 200, which includes the following Educational benefits for you:

  1. You will get all the benefits of the FOUNDATION COURSE after the purchase of the FOUNDATION + ELITE COURSE.

  2. Completion of the FOUNDATION COURSE is compulsory before starting the live sessions of the ELITE COURSE.

  3. Participants will be provided with a total of 15 online live Zoom sessions.

  4. Only one participant per registration is allowed to attend online classes.

  5. At times, only one device shall be used to view content on one device; however, you can change the device if needed to log in with the same credentials.

  6. A total of 15 sessions will be available for you to gain advanced knowledge of the Forex market.

  7. All the content will be available for the participant to view only for one batch from the registration date, and the participant will have to choose a slot within 3 months of registration. After that, the participant will be restricted from viewing content, as it will be enough time to grasp the markets.

  8. However, affiliate benefits of the package will still be valid for a total of 12 months or 365 days from the date of registration.

  9. Sharing of educational content in any format is not acceptable under any circumstances. If found, the participant will be barred from using any benefit of the Golden Bulls International Academy, and legal action will be taken against the culprit.

  10. No screenshots/Video Recording/Voice Recording or any other way of copying the content is allowed in the system.

Educational Content for EXCLUSIVE PROGRAM:

As we have noticed, you have made a purchase of Package 3.0 worth USDT 3500, which includes the following Educational benefits for you:

  1. You will get all the benefits of the FOUNDATION COURSE after the purchase of the FOUNDATION and ELITE COURSE with the EXCLUSIVE PROGRAM.

  2. Participants will have to complete the Foundation Course and Elite Course content before attending lectures in Dubai.

  3. Participants will be invited for 4 Nights & 5 Days in Dubai to attend classes in Dubai where live and one-to-one sessions will be given.

  4. After registration, participants will have to select a slot after a minimum of 60 days for physical sessions in Dubai for the convenience of bookings and safe traveling.

  5. Participants will be provided with travel expenses from INDIA to DUBAI and DUBAI to INDIA, along with free accommodation/stay.

  6. Pick-up and drop for participants will be available in Dubai, and tentative times for physical classes will be from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Lunch will be provided to participants, and after lunch, participants are allowed to enjoy their stay in Dubai according to their convenience.

  7. This is a Physical Education Course, so no Dubai Trip Packages will be provided by the company. However, if a participant wants to travel in free time, he/she can arrange it accordingly on his/her own.

  8. All the content will be available to the participant to attend only for one batch from the registration date, and he/she will be restricted from viewing content, as it will be enough time to grasp the markets.

  9. However, affiliate benefits of the package will still be valid for a total of 12 months or 365 days from the date of registrations.

  10. Sharing of educational content in any format is not acceptable under any circumstances. If found, the participant will be barred from using any benefit of the Golden Bulls International Academy, and legal action will be taken against the culprit.

  11. No screenshots/Video Recording/Voice Recording, or any other way of copying the content is allowed in the system.

    Credit Balance Account:

    With the purchase of every package, an MT5 account will be created immediately, and he/she will be provided with the amount in $ equivalent to the amount of the package, as below:

    Package Purchased

    Price in USDT

    $ Receivable in MT5

    Foundation Course

    200 USDT


    Elite Course

    400 USDT


    Exclusive Course

    3500 USDT


    Conditions to Use Credit Trading Account:

    1. Under no circumstance can a participant withdraw the credit amount for trading.

    2. Only profits made on the credit are withdrawable in the USDT Wallet.

    3. No IB will be generated for own trading done on the Credit Trading Account.

    4. Once a participant makes profits, the maximum profit he/she can withdraw is equivalent to the trading amount.

      Example: If the credit given is $200, then the maximum amount withdrawable as profit is also

      $200. After that, the trading amount will be automatically deactivated.

    5. In the case of an unfortunate loss in the credit, the participant will no longer be able to top up the account. However, he/she will not suffer any losses as the credit was given by the company.

    6. This account is provided so participants can recover the fees paid for the purchase of the package they have made on their own. We suggest using it wisely.


  1. Firstly, to activate or enjoy the benefits of the Automation software, a participant must have purchased any package. Only then can he/she have hands-on experience with Automation.

  2. No Automation Software will be activated on credit given to clients.

  3. All deposits in Automation shall be done in USDT only.

  4. A minimum of 1000 USDT is compulsory for the activation of Automation software. Any amount above 1000 USDT is acceptable.

  5. A participant will first have to create an MT5 account in his dashboard for Automation and then deposit funds into it.

  6. Once the deposit is reflected in the account, a participant has to request for Automation Software Activation. Once he/she clicks on the request for Automation, he/she will receive an email for the same. A participant will have to accept the mail Terms and Conditions.

  7. After the email verification and confirmation, a participant will receive a call from DUBAI Headquarters to verify if he fully understands the concept of Automation.

  8. After the call conversation, Automation Software will be activated within 48 hours after deposit.

  9. Although the Automation Software is developed by expert panels, the profit will mostly depend on the market situation, and Golden Bulls International Academy will not take any responsibility for the profit made in a span of a month.

  10. We at Golden Bulls International Academy do not promise or take responsibility for the profits or losses made with software, as trading is dependent on the market situation.

  11. However, the growth of Automation Software is judgable on its previous performance. We request clients to study the software before investing.

  12. A great piece of news is, 100% of the profits made by the Automation Software is withdrawable by clients only. No share of the company is involved in the profits.

  13. Once the 2 times amount of the invested amount is withdrawn as a profit by the client, the client will no longer be liable to have his principle back. As the company has not had its share till then, the principle will be converted to the company’s ownership.

    Example: If the amount invested in Automation Software is 2000 USDT, and the client starts withdrawing profits monthly, then the maximum amount a client can withdraw is 4000 USDT.

    Once he makes his investment double, he no longer will be able to withdraw any funds from that account.

  14. However, a single ID can have multiple Automation software running.

  15. For the Automation Software, only profits from the available equity are withdrawable, and no equity can be withdrawn under any circumstances. Profit withdrawal for the Automation software will be available only one day of the month. That will be on the 1st of every Month. No other day will be available for the same.


    1. For Credit Account Trading, only profits can be withdrawn. A participant can withdraw profits anytime he/she wants.

    2. For self-trading accounts, there is no limit or rule regarding withdrawals. He/she can withdraw any amount from Available Equity. Withdrawals from self-trading accounts can be made anytime.

    3. For the Automation Software, only profits from the available equity are withdrawable, and no equity can be withdrawn under any circumstances. Profit withdrawal for the Automation software will be available only one day of the month. That will be on the 1st of every Month. No other day will be available for the same.

    4. For the Affiliate Program, commissions earned from the program will be withdrawable only on Monday’s of every week. So, affiliate commissions are withdrawn on a weekly basis.

    5. IB commissions earned from the affiliate dashboard are available for withdrawal on a daily basis.

    6. A fee of 1 USDT will be applicable for all withdrawal transactions.


All transactions related to the purchase of a package, deposits for self-trading, withdrawal of funds, IB, or any other benefits are to be done with USDT transactions only. No other payment gateway will be available for these transactions.